Psychic Mediumship Training Beginner

Starts:- Saturday 29th July 2023 :- 9.30am – 11.30am (UK Time)

6 Sessions

2 Hours

Online course

Level: Beginner

What will you learn

What will you learn

  • Meditation for quieting of the mind, Grounding your energies.
  • Opening and closing your psychic self, Looking at your intuitive gifts.
  • Sensing subtle changes in energy, Reviewing the foundations & explore and understand your unique abilities as a medium.
  • Raise your vibration to help sustain a soul-to-soul link with those in spirit, develop your psychic senses, such as clairsentience, clairvoyance and clairaudience, to support your psychic and mediumship.
  • You’ll learn how to bring the two worlds – the world of the physical and the world of Spirit – together through your chakras, and how to use your chakras to enhance your psychic and mediumship.
  • Explore different approaches in psychic & mediumship to connecting with the spirit world, Develop the art of receiving and giving information from those in spirit.
  • This foundation of psychic & mediumship training course integrates guided meditations, focused exercises, supportive theoretical discussion, and Q&A time, to deepen your psychic & mediumistic understanding and abilities. You will leave having built the foundations for your future psychic and mediumistic work and will have confidence to continue your development in this field…

Course Schedule

Course Schedule

There are 6 sessions for this course

1 Saturday 29th July 2023 9.30am – 11.30am
2 Saturday 5th August 2023 9.30am – 11.30am
3 Saturday 12th August 2023 9.30am – 11.30am
4 Saturday 19th August 2023 9.30am – 11.30am
5 Saturday 26th August 2023 9.30am – 11.30am
6 Saturday 2nd September 2023 9.30am – 11.30am


To secure your place on this course click book now.

Price: £100

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