
Arcturian Healing Method (AHM)

I will help you run the highest healing vibration in your body, aura and chakras.


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Email Reading

(For people with social anxiety)


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Spirit Guide Readings: 50 MIN

Your spirit team, led by your main spirit guide, is always by your side to guide you through life.


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I will perform spiritual healing energy with my spirit team, reprogramming on any topic and on your energetic space (auras, chakras, releasing emotions, body strengthening qualities)

£15.00 – £25.00

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£15.00 – £25.00

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Reading:- 50 MIN

With this reading I will try to look at your personal life, relationships with friends and family, career and health & will connect with the world of Spirit, and look at areas of your life where you have questions or concerns.


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